I have not posted anything for a very long time, and I have some awesome things that have happened... I had a great birthday party, which I don't have pictures for yet. and I started a new job! I am working at a phone book directory company in the proofing department changing codes right now looking to start a different job with new responsibilities soon! I am getting my patriarchal blessing in like six weeks and I am so nervous I want to be prepared! I wish I felt worthy.. not that I have done anything bad I just have a hard time believing I am ever good enough for Heavenly Fathers Blessing... any who there is a little bit of an update I will try and post more often.
3 Responses
  1. Stella Says:

    I love you sweety! You are awesome. Keep up the great work.

  2. Brittanie Says:

    I'm so excited for you. It's really a great step.


    As for the feeling worthy part, have you read Believing Christ by Stephen E. Robinson? It's very very very good. I reread it whenever I get into one of those depressed ruts and start thinking that sort of thing.

    You're a wonderful person, and He loves you and I totally believe He is just as excited (if not more) than you are.

  3. Brittanie Says:

    Oh, and just in case you haven't, this is the forum talk he did that he based his book on